In- Arena On-Ice Dasherboards

Your company will be part of the action and visible during games at Gary Force Acura Ice Arena.

On- Ice Divider Dasherboards - 1 side (40" x 72") - $650

On-Ice Divider Dasherboards- 2 sides (40" x 72")- $1,000

On-Ice Dasherboard- Premium ( 40" x 96")- $2,500

In- Arena Wall Banners

Your company will be a proud supporter of Warriors hockey will visibility throughout the arena.

Wall Banner (4' x 3')- $575

Wall Banner Premium (6' x 12') - $2,500

Team Sponsorship- $5,000

Team sponsorship helps fund extra ice time and extra games for the team. Your company will be included on player pants, team page and on team banner.